Sitecore and Social Media: An Interactive Web Content Management Platform

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Looking to maximize your company’s online marketing efforts? Researching Content Management Systems and want to learn more about what Sitecore has to offer - specifically in social media? Authored by Oshyn’s Sitecore Development Lead, Prasanth Nittala, this free ebook draws from Oshyn’s vast experience as a Sitecore Certified Partner, in helping organizations understand the distinct capabilities offered by Sitecore CMS while evaluating Content Management strategies and CMS platforms. In this free ebook Prasanth Nittala discusses key points from the perspectives of marketing and Web development that make Sitecore a compelling choice for companies faced with maximizing their online marketing efforts. Topics covered in this ebook are:

  • Building a User Community with Compelling Content

  • Enterprise Application Platform

  • Business Perspective

  • Technical Perspective

  • Multi-Site Environment

  • Consistent User Experiences<

  • Workflow

  • Content Flexibility

  • Scalability

  • Delivering Content

  • Content Integration