Evolution of the WCM / CMS Software Industry

Nov 09, 2011
The evolution of the WCM / CMS software industry in conjunction with the significant momentum we see and continuing evolution of the open source software industry are areas we watch very closely. Some of Oshyn’s clients are also watching closely to see where they might be able to insert an open source based solution in place of one of those ‘line items’ that found its way to the budget cutting room floor late last year. Decision makers face internal clients who still have their needs and hold little compassion or understanding of those mega-tradeoffs that were a part of the bloody 2010 budgeting and planning process. Yes there many ear canals that automatically translate the phrase “open source” to “FREE”.
There is absolutely no doubt huge strides have been made in several sectors of the open source software industry over the last couple of years. And many more strides are expected as the pace of evolution continues to build. Those of us leading the way from the software services side of the equation are forced to keep a sharp sword of knowledge ready at any moment to respond to our clients’ pleas for confident recommendations for the optimal solution frameworks based on their needs. Yet too often, open source is on the tips of their tongues because they’re still faced with minimizing costs. We can't slip for a second when matching the unique requirements of a given client solution to the strengths and weaknesses of the various offerings. Once we make our recommendation we have to be ready to back up our counsel with our signatures in blood stating we will make them successful using given solution platform. So our recommendations are based on immediate client requirements, future scalability and budgets.
Oshyn researches, trains and continuously develops the experience required to effectively navigate the maze of emerging options by first focusing on the sectors we feel are most mature so we will always be ready to handle the world class and enterprise level needs of our client base. With open source making good strides across Business Intelligence, ERP/CRM, WCM/CMS, Social Software, Systems Management Tools, Application Development Tools, Security Tools, Connectivity Applications (e.g., Mobile, IP Telephony/VoIP), Operating Systems, Office Productivity, Virtualization and the Database sectors, we chose to dive deep in the sector we feel is most ready for prime time — given the size and nature of our typical clients and engagements. This is why Oshyn has invested in research and training which allows us to deliver great expertise in the WCM/CMS and Social Software sectors. These solutions, and more specifically — the contribute or pay model framework offering from Jahia along with the huge public module community offered by Drupal — have gained our favor as the content management open source platforms of choice for our current and future clients needs.
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