Episerver 10 Implementation Best Practices

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Oshyn is an Episerver Premium Solutions Partner with some of the best Episerver developers and architects around. In this white paper, one of our senior Episerver Architects explains how to maximize the content editor and digital marketing experience by following best practices for implementation of the CMS.

Among other things, these best practices will help you to improve multi-server installations - local or in the cloud - by using the correct providers and settings specific for each kind of environment.

As Jacob Khan, Episerver's VP of Worldwide Solution Architecture, points out, "Following best practices for implementation of the Episerver platform leads to customers getting a higher quality solution,"  and so it is important for development to be done by an experienced team versed in these best practices. This way, the CMS will more efficiently adapt new features and experience fewer bugs before and after launch. This leads to an overall cost-savings.