Mar 27, 2023
When starting development for Sitecore XM Cloud, the quickest way to set up and start working on a project is to use the starter project template provided when you create a new XM Cloud Project. But this starter template comes with very generic hostnames for the local development containers, and if you are working on several projects it can lead to confusion. You may also want to follow naming conventions established for your project, such as environment-based conventions (e.g. local.project.com
, qa.project.com
, etc.). In this quick guide we are going to explore how to customize the name of the hostname of the rendering host container for an XM Cloud project created using the starter template.
Customizing the hostnames
Customizing the name of the CM container
Straight to the point, YOU CAN’T. The reason is that in an XM Cloud project, you don’t have a local Identity Server container to handle Sitecore authentication. It is done using the Sitecore-hosted cloud authentication service (https://auth.sitecorecloud.io
) and it always expects the CM hostname to be xmcloudcm.localhost
Customizing the name of the Rendering Host container
When using the default project template for XM Cloud, you will notice that to access the published site in your local environment you have to do it through https://www.xmcloudpreview.localhost
. You can customize this hostname by doing the modifications shown below. For this example, we want to use the name www.oshyn.localhost
Make sure the Docker containers are not running.
Open the .env file in the root folder of the project (NOT the one under
, that’s the Next.js environment file) and change theRENDERING_HOST
variable:Modifications to .env
… other variables … RENDERING_HOST=www.oshyn.localhost RENDERING_HOST_INTERNAL_URI=http://rendering:3000 … other variables …
Notice that we are NOT changing the
value, that one should remain as it comes by default (http://rendering:3000
)Also in the root of the project, open the
file and look for the following sections. Modify only what is commented in the code as shown below:Modifications to init.ps1
################################## # Configure TLS/HTTPS certificates ################################## Push-Location docker\traefik\certs try { $mkcert = “.\mkcert.exe” if ($null -ne (Get-Command mkcert.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # mkcert installed in PATH $mkcert = “mkcert” } elseif (-not (Test-Path $mkcert)) { Write-Host “Downloading and installing mkcert certificate tool…” -ForegroundColor Green Invoke-WebRequest “https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/releases/download/v1.4.1/mkcert-v1.4.1-windows-amd64.exe” -UseBasicParsing -OutFile mkcert.exe if ((Get-FileHash mkcert.exe).Hash -ne “1BE92F598145F61CA67DD9F5C687DFEC17953548D013715FF54067B34D7C3246”) { Remove-Item mkcert.exe -Force throw “Invalid mkcert.exe file” } } Write-Host “Generating Traefik TLS certificate…” -ForegroundColor Green & $mkcert -install & $mkcert “*.oshyn.localhost” ## Modify the local star cert with the desired hostname (after the www) & $mkcert “xmcloudcm.localhost” # stash CAROOT path for messaging at the end of the script $caRoot = “$(& $mkcert -CAROOT)\rootCA.pem” } catch { Write-Error “An error occurred while attempting to generate TLS certificate: $_” } finally { Pop-Location }
In the previous code block, the modification is on the line that says
& $mkcert “*.oshyn.localhost”
.Modifications to init.ps1
################################ # Add Windows hosts file entries ################################ Write-Host “Adding Windows hosts file entries…” -ForegroundColor Green Add-HostsEntry “xmcloudcm.localhost” Add-HostsEntry “www.oshyn.localhost” ## Modify this line with your desired hostname
Modifications to init.ps1
############################### # Populate the environment file ############################### if ($InitEnv) { Write-Host “Populating required .env file values…” -ForegroundColor Green # HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER Set-EnvFileVariable “HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER” -Value $LicenseXmlPath # CM_HOST Set-EnvFileVariable “CM_HOST” -Value “xmcloudcm.localhost” # RENDERING_HOST Set-EnvFileVariable “RENDERING_HOST” -Value “www.oshyn.localhost” ## Modify this line with your desired hostname
Finally, modify the certs_config.yaml file under docker/traefik/config/dynamic:
Modifications to certs_config.yaml
tls: certificates: - certFile: C:\etc\traefik\certs\_wildcard.oshyn.localhost.pem keyFile: C:\etc\traefik\certs\_wildcard.oshyn.localhost-key.pem - certFile: C:\etc\traefik\certs\xmcloudcm.localhost.pem keyFile: C:\etc\traefik\certs\xmcloudcm.localhost-key.pem
The modifications are to the first
values, using the new_wildcard.oshyn.localhost
name. The other values should remain as they are withxmcloudcm.localhost
.Run the
script again to re-initialize the environment with the new values:Run your containers with the
script and access using a browser the rendering host with the new name (in this example,https://www.oshyn.localhost
Modifications to init.ps1
> .\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath C:\path\to\license.xml -AdminPassword YourAdminPassword
Although you will not be able to change the CM container’s hostname because of cloud authentication, you can customize the rendering host’s hostname so you can reduce confusion when working on multiple projects or if you need to follow project-established naming conventions.
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